

Moringawave is an organization willing to make a functional product while respecting the environment and strongly believing in fair trade. As pioneers in the moringa production, they decided to communicate to the world the exceptional nutritional qualities of this plant and commercialize their product, directly from Madagascar to Italy. So, they called me and asked to do my magic. 


As freelance designer, I was in charged of the UX/UI design of the new website, but I also had a significant role in managing the communication among the parties: Yoge, an associated studio of professionals , the freelance developer and client. We decided to come up with a initial website that could be developed in a future online shop.

Timeline: 1 month

Collaborations: Yoge, Freelance developer

Platforms: Wordpress

Tools: Adobe XD, Photoshop; Illustrator


  1. User research and sitemap

We based our user research on some simple qualitative tests. The sitemap was meant to be simple and easy to navigate.

  1. Build a basic UI system according to the brand guidelines

We worked in order to translate the original brand into its online version. Specifically, the logo and the typo and colours required some light adjustments to meet the web accessibility requirements. We focused on the use of ethical images, telling the story of the product, its origins and relative working process. 

  1. Final designs and relative assets

The 3rd phase required my particular participation in reviewing each website page for quality check.